Use Case¶

Take a VM-based application running in a local data center…

  1. Profile the application elements and network configurations
    1. UI Frameworks, Services/Servers, Database, API Gateways: products, size, throughput
    2. Nets, Subnets, Segments, Security Groups, IP Address Range Management
    3. Network Elements, Basic Configurations, Throughput
  2. Move from a single-segment, layer-2, traditional network to Bayware@LOCAL
    1. Choose n ephemeral network functions from catalog
    2. Authorize roles
    3. Deploy Bayware components and Open vSwitch (OVS) on local host
    4. Activate Bayware
    5. Monitor application performance before, during, and after
    6. Describe roles of network elements after Bayware deployment
  3. Move from Bayware@LOCAL to Bayware@AWS
    1. Deploy Bayware Components and OVS
    2. Copy application hosts to EC2 instances
    3. Activate Bayware
    4. Monitor application performance before, during, and after
  4. Split from Bayware@AWS to Bayware-Hybrid@AWS, @GPC, @AZURE, and @LOCAL
    1. Choose additional Ephemeral Network Functions (ENF) for multi-cloud deployment
    2. Deploy Bayware components and OVS
    3. Copy application hosts to new clouds
    4. Activate Bayware
    5. Monitor application performance before, during, and after