Clean up¶
If you would like to completely delete your current fabric installation, follow these commands in order to do so. Please note, this operation is irreversible and very destructive, do exercise extreme caution when executing this procedure!
To delete the entire service interconnection fabric, first start BWCTL by running this command:
]$ bwctl
You should see output with your fabric name similar to this:
(myfab2) bwctl>
Now, export the current fabric configuration by running this command:
(myfab2) bwctl> export fabric myfab2.yml
You should see output similar to this:
[2019-09-27 21:24:52.558] Exporting to 'myfab2.yml'
[2019-09-27 21:24:52.670] Fabric configuration exported successfully
To delete all fabric components, run this command:
(myfab2) bwctl> delete batch myfab2.yml
You should see output similar to this:
[2019-09-27 21:25:23.189] Deleting batch: file='myfab2.yml', input=format='yaml', dry-run=False
[2019-09-27 21:25:23.199] Found batch 'myfab2' (Fabric "myfab2" export at Thu Oct 3 21:24:52 2019) with 6 objects
[2019-09-27 21:25:23.199] Fabric: ['myfab2']
[2019-09-27 21:25:23.199] Vpc: ['azr1-vpc-myfab2', 'azr2-vpc-myfab2']
[2019-09-27 21:25:23.199] Orchestrator: ['azr1-c01-myfab2']
[2019-09-27 21:25:23.199] Processor: ['azr2-p01-myfab2']
[2019-09-27 21:25:23.199] Workload: ['azr2-w01-myfab2']
[2019-09-27 21:25:23.199] Do you want to delete these objects? [y/N]
Type y and press Enter:
You should see output similar to this:
[2019-09-27 21:25:29.159] Fabric 'myfab2' is going to be deleted with all nested objects
[2019-09-27 21:44:55.341] Fabric 'myfab2' deleted successfully
Once the BWCTL CLI commands finish running, you may safely delete the fabric manager’s VM and corresponding components via the Azure Console. Also, you can delete the S3 bucket used for fabric manager’s state backup via the AWS Console.