Further ReadingΒΆ
- RISC-V is a free and open ISA enabling a new era of processor innovation
- BPF at Cilium - execute bytecode in the Linux kernel
- Grafana - an open platform for analytics and monitoring
- Open vSwitch - production quality, multilayer open virtual switch
- strongSwan - an open source, IPsec-based VPN solution
- Kibana - visualize your Elasticsearch data
- Security Architcture for IP RFC4301
- IP Encapsulating Security Payload RFC4303
- Network Service Header (NSH) RFC8300
- DevOps, meet NetOps and SecOps. Network computing. March 2017.
- Cluster Networking. Kubernetes concepts. June 2018.
- The Ideal Network for Containers and NFV Microservices. Mellanox blog. June 2017.
- What is microsegmentation? How getting granular improves network security. Network World. January 2018.
- Active networking: one view of the past, present, and future. Jonathan M. Smith, Scott M. Nettles. University of Pennsylvania. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews) (Volume: 34, Issue: 1), February 2004.
- Segment routing, a source-routing architecture.
- Network service header. IETF RFC 8300. January 2018.
- NSH and Segment Routing Integration for Service Function Chaining. IETF draft. March 2018.
- LISP Control plane integration with NSH. IETF draft. March 2018.
- Apache Groovy: A multi-faceted language for the Java platform.
- Erlang programming language: Build massively scalable soft real-time systems.
- Kubernetes blog. Using eBPF in Kubernetes.