Create Processor and Workload

The next step is very similar to step 3 where you created a VPC with Policy Orchestrator Nodes, however, now you must create the Processor and Workload nodes within a new VPC. Be aware that some of the commands may appear very similar to prior commands, however they do have different consequences.

Create VPC

To create a new VPC for application deployment, with the cloud and region names– in this example azr and westus-as an argument:

(myfab2) bwctl> create vpc azr westus

You should see output similar to:

[2019-09-25 17:51:51.688]  Creating VPC: azr2-vpc-myfab2...
[2019-09-25 17:52:50.803]  VPCs ['azr2-vpc-myfab2'] created successfully

Create Processor Node

Next, to create a processor, run the command with the target VPC name as an argument:

(myfab2) bwctl> create processor azr2-vpc-myfab2

You should see output similar to:

[2019-09-25 17:53:22.613]  Creating new processor 'azr2-p01-myfab2'...
[2019-09-25 17:57:27.735]  ['azr2-p01-myfab2'] created successfully
[2019-09-25 17:57:27.763]  Generating SSH config...

To configure the processor, you will use the FQDN of orchestrator southbound interface (SBI).

The FQDN of orchestrator SBI has been auto-generated on the prior step and in this example has the structure as follows:


The FQDN of orchestrator SBI is always defined in the following manner: controller-<fabric>.<company>.<DNS hosted zone>

To configure the processor, run the command with the FQDN of orchestrator SBI – in this example as an argument:

(myfab2) bwctl> configure processor azr2-p01-myfab2 --orchestrator-fqdn

You should see output similar to:

[2019-09-25 17:58:58.573]  Generate ansible inventory...
[2019-09-25 18:00:18.506]  Processors ['azr2-p01-myfab2'] configured successfully

To start the processor, run the command:

(myfab2) bwctl> start processor azr2-p01-myfab2

You should see output similar to:

[2019-09-25 18:00:44.719]  Processors to be started: ['azr2-p01-myfab2']
[2019-09-25 18:00:47.537]  Processors ['azr2-p01-myfab2'] started successfully

Create Workload Node

Now create a new workload in the current VPC, run the command:

(myfab2) bwctl> create workload azr2-vpc-myfab2

You should see output similar to:

[2019-09-25 18:03:26.462]  Creating new workload 'azr2-w01-myfab2'...
[2019-09-25 18:06:24.269]  ['azr2-w01-myfab2'] created successfully
[2019-09-25 18:06:24.297]  Generating SSH config...

To configure the workload, run the command with the FQDN of orchestrator SBI – in this example as an argument:

(myfab2) bwctl> configure workload azr2-w01-myfab2 --orchestrator-fqdn

You should see output similar to:

[2019-09-25 18:07:17.658]  Generate ansible inventory...
[2019-09-25 18:08:25.858]  Workloads ['azr2-w01-myfab2'] configured successfully

To start the workload, run the command:

(myfab2) bwctl> start workload azr2-w01-myfab2

You should see output similar to:

[2019-09-25 18:09:18.375]  Workloads to be started: ['azr2-w01-myfab2']
[2019-09-25 18:09:21.495]  Workloads ['azr2-w01-myfab2'] started successfully

Check Resource Graph

To verify that both the processor and workload nodes have joined the service interconnection fabric, go to orchestrator and click on Resource Graph.

Orchestrator Resource Graph page

Fig. 11 Fig. Orchestrator Resource Graph Page